clock 1-minute read calender 2.5.0 | updated May. 29, 2024

Make managing multiple accounts as easy as managing just one

Key takeaways

There are many benefits to virtual account management at KeyBank. With KeyVAM, you can:

  • Send and receive ACH, RTP, and Wire transactions on behalf of the parent account.

  • Instant opening and closed of sub-accounts for an individual or business.

  • View transaction and reconciliation data for each virtual sub-account while the total funds settle in one parent account with advance reporting.


Virtually amazing

Check it out yourself. There is a lot of great information on the Key Virtual Account Management site.

If you are ready to get started or have any questions, reach out to an Embedded Banking advisor.

What is VAM?

Key Virtual Account Management (KeyVAM) is an embedded service of the KeyNavigator platform. KeyVAM enhances how you manage money by linking a set of a set of virtual accounts (sub-accounts) to a single, physical account (parent). You can create and manage virtual sub-accounts in real-time. This is a great option if you need to open and close high-value virtual sub-accounts common in industries like technology, property management, or corporate cost centers.



Integrate your application with APIs. KeyVAM APIs are available to further develop your virtual account management experience with task automation for common activities like creating accounts, transferring funds, or reports. View the Key Virtual Account Management API Documentation to see what is possible.